
Framed Fair

Oh hey friends! Just yesterday I went to the Western Idaho Fair!  I thought long and hard about bringing my camera but decided against it, much to my regret. Isn’t that always how it goes? When am I gonna learn my lesson? There was a man driving a huge cart with umbrellas all over it,… Continue reading Framed Fair

Fact or Whacked?

Fact or Whacked: Baking Soda Oven Cleaner

There’s always so many amazing ideas you come across on Pinterest. I’m obsessed with checking it every day. Some ideas I see really jump out at me, and I have to try them. Some work out amazing and others…..not so much. This brings me to my Fact or Whacked segment: where I am essentially the… Continue reading Fact or Whacked: Baking Soda Oven Cleaner